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Health Sciences

Student Resources

Enrollment Procedures

Online enrollment becomes available by Nov 1 for the spring semester and by April 1 for the summer and fall semesters.

  • Newly admitted master’s students receive directions for enrollment along with a list of available classes after admission to the School of Forensic Sciences.
  • Currently enrolled master’s students have access to online enrollment. Course lists for upcoming semesters are available via the self-service enrollment system.

Housing and Transportation

View information on housing and transportation in the Tulsa area.


Library Resources

View forensic science resources available through the Medical Library.


Forensic Science Organization

The Forensic Science Organization (FSO) is primarily a student-run organization, but incorporates forensic professionals at all levels.

FSO members facilitate an array of service-oriented activities and have the opportunity to take part in exciting scientific endeavors. As a result of their dedication to the community, the organization has received numerous commendations for outstanding service efforts.


Activities and Events

  • Tours and demonstrations for middle and high school students
  • Science fair judging
  • Family Fun Day
  • OSU CSI Summer Camp
  • Speakers and seminars
  • OSU Grandparent University

Connect with the Forensic Science Organization on Facebook


Academic Information

Basic Requirements for Internet Courses 
The program includes a significant number of Internet courses that require self-direction and computer skills.  Students must have the ability to assume greater responsibility for independent reading, course communications, collaborative learning, written assignments, and research projects. In addition, participants must have computer skills, appropriate equipment, and Internet/e-mail access needed for online courses. Internet courses require no on-campus attendance, although some courses offered on campus may have Internet components. An additional fee is charged for online courses.


Assigned letter grades serve as the basis for grading in most courses.  All grades of A, B, C, D, or F are based on a 4.0 scale.  In compliance with Oklahoma State University Graduate College standards, students enrolled in FRNS 5000 Research and Thesis receive a grade of “SR” for satisfactory research or “UR” for unsatisfactory research, with no credit assigned for grades of “UR.”


Course grades indicate the student’s knowledge and application of course concepts as reflected by participation in class meetings, responses on discussion boards, performance on written assignments, quality of course projects, and achievement on course quizzes and final examinations. Instructors in online classes emphasize demonstration of knowledge in class sessions and discussions as well as performance on written assignments and course projects.


Online quizzes and final examinations for Internet courses are not monitored but typically have time limits. Instructors may require "lockdown" browsers during testing. It is expected that students will complete exams independent of their peers and classmates.


Minimum Grades, Probation, and Dismissal 
The student must maintain a 3.0 or 3.5 grade point average, MS and PhD respectively.  In addition, no grade lower than a “C” will count toward graduation. Additionally, some tracks may require that no grade lower than a 'B' be used on the plan of study. If the GPA falls below 3.0 (3.5 for Phd), the student will be placed on academic probation and may also lose stipend support if involved in funded research. The School of Forensic Sciences Graduate Faculty Committee may also recommend probation following an evaluation of a student’s progress. Further program restrictions may be implemented to assist the student in completing his/her graduate program. The student will be expected to return to a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (3.5 for Phd) by the end of the semester that is subsequent to the semester in which the GPA fell below 3.0 (3.5 for Phd).  Failure to do so is cause for probation or dismissal. Students must also meet the minimum requirements of the Graduate College as specified in the University Catalog.


Students must file a Graduation Clearance form and Graduation Application for the semester of graduation, even if a previous Graduation Application was submitted. Degree candidates are requested to attend commencement for the awarding of degrees.  Diplomas will not be released until all degree requirements have been satisfied, including submission of research documents (thesis, dissertation, or creative component) and payment of fees.


Records and Transcripts 
All permanent records are stored in the Office of the Registrar. Requests for grades, transcripts, and diplomas should be made to that office.


Research Requirement 
The M.S. Forensic Sciences candidate is required to complete a creative activity (research project or other scholarly investigation depending on the student’s track) as part of degree requirements. The creative activity will be guided by the advisor and the advisory committee. Thesis student will generally communicate their findings in a public forum that includes a question-and-answer session and will defend the research in a private session before the advisory committee. Distance-learning students in non-thesis tracks may communicate with peers and the public via videoconferencing. [Due to the sensitive nature of investigations performed by AEFTI students, presentations may be made to the student’s advisory committee and peers only.]


Time of Study and Residence Requirements 
All requirements must be completed within seven years after admission to the M.S. program. Students in the M.S./Thesis program should plan to spend at least two semesters conducting research.  Students in the Non-Thesis options may complete the program without relocating to the Tulsa area. 


Transfer Hours

With the approval of the Program Director, the applicant may receive up to nine hours of credit for courses taken in another graduate program or within the Graduate Program in Forensic Sciences under Non-Degree Seeking Graduate Student status.  Transfer courses taken more than 10 years (30 semesters) before granting of the degree will not count toward the diploma.